Owing to the prophecy and vision of present Khandro Dorji Phagmo Rinpoche, H.H. Dodrupchen and H.H. Jadrel Rinpoche advised Khandro to Construct a Stupa of Reunion/Reconciliation (as soon as possible) at Mebar Tockched Lhakhang/Ngajur Pema Choepheling Monastery, located at Kheng Jang Aring of Kheng Kikhar, Zhemgang.

The Chorten project is estimated to cost about Nu: 2.81 million. It was planned and supposed to be completed a few years ago.

Although there is a most sacred legend of the site at the monastery, however, due to the various force of challenges, particularly in terms of its remote location (although sacred) has posed a greater difficulty to get good or enough sponsors, it has prolonged for a few years now. It was always a sole earned offering from few sponsors to Khandro that helped to get raw materials till these days. The locals, public servants, and students were kind to support in terms of weekend labors which has been of immense help and cost cut for us. Besides, as you see in pictures, the construction put in halt and is elevated only as and when there is sponsors/budget available. The construction had to wait for someone to sponsor to increase another height or get a pile of stones or any raw materials which left the work halt or prolonged till now. This was the first project amongst others for Monastery.

Therefore, as an aid or offering your generous love, care, and support to the monastery, needy nuns/monks, Kheng communities and for the benefit of all sentient beings, few of us came forward as volunteers committee ‘Pema_Guardians’ and would like to humbly request you to join us and be part of ‘Pema_Guardians’.

For those who wish to voluntary support in cash/kind for swift completion of the construction of stupa, you may kindly offer at following account and contact no:

Bank Name: Bank of Bhutan Ltd
Account Name: Ngajur Pema Choepheling Monastery
Account No: 202081833
#Treasurer: 17759200, GS: 17727022 and Coordinator: 17239400

Options: You and your family/relatives and friends may also opt to sponsor or help us share or find/network sponsors devotees to contribute the entire package or part of it as put in the picture table. For now, we are seeking sponsors for Zung for stupa and few trucks of stones, sands, bricks and other raw materials.

layout of chorten zung

Once you are part of it, we assure your support reach as Pema Guardian connected to Khandro Rinpoche, her needy nuns/monks, and remote kheng! It has reached on right help of not only the spiritual but basic needs of nuns and villagers there. It shall give us the shelter of Dharma.

We shall record every penny and kind support for accountability and transparency.
We pray for good health, prosperity, and happiness through this merit of your kind gesture.

Therefore, with an utmost dedication of you and your family and friends kind support in fulfilling the prophecy and vision of Khandro Rinpoche, long life to His Majesties and benefit to remote Kheng and all sentient beings in general, we would like to sincerely request for your capacity to help us sponsor or find someone near/within your circle of kind friends.