Upon the humble invitation of Khandro Dorje Phagmo Rinpoche, H.E. Kathok Situ Rinpoche (KSR) visited the Ngajur Pemachopheling Monastery (Mebar Tockched) today enroute to Kheng Tama AtiLing Drubdrey.

H.E. KSR also kindly graced and offered consecration of the first ever Yundum Chorten (Stupa of Reunion) which is in completion stage at the Monastery. The construction of Chorten was advised by H.H. Jadrel Rinpoche to Khandro Rimpoche be built as tendrel and prevent obstacles in propagation of Dharma and benefit of Kheng and entire sentient being. Today, H.E. KSR, Heart Son of Jadrel Rinpoche first consecrated and it is sacred tendrel and joy for the Monastery, supporters, well-wishers and communities there.

As Khandro Rinpoche shared to us, Khandro encountered and met Jadrel Rimpoche for few times. Amongst others, recollecting her stay at Zilukha Nunnery, she first met H.H. Jadrel Rinpoche when she was barely 3 years old. The then she was adorned as little Dorje Phagmo by H.H. and use to be play and offer gift toys, dolls and precious bracelets etc. during H.H. visit to meet and stay with H.H. Drubthob Rekey Jadrel, Khandro Rinpoche’s spiritual father.

The other incident of counter with Jadrel Rinpoche was, when she visted Rimpoche at Nepal to enquire about the sacred treasure discovered during her intensive retreat at Chumphu.

Today, as Khandro met with H.E. KSR, it was tendrel, auspicious and greatest joy ever for the Monastery and all well wishers.

Khandro Rimpoche and Monastery deeply Thank H.E. Kathok Situ Rinpoche for taking time and blessing stupa and monastery despite Rimpoche’s busy schedule.

We heartily appreciate and pray for the long life of Rimpoche. The Khandra and Monastery also heartily thank Khentruel Garab, Trulku Ngawang Jigdrel and entire entourage accompanying Rinpoche. We look forward for the meeting again soon la.

*This is firstever auspicious meeting of H.E Kathok Situ Rinpoche and H.E. Khandro Dorje Phagmo Rinpoche.

May the sacred meeting benefit all beings…

Kadrin Che la Rimpoche.